When the sunshine finally starts washing through the air, I find I instinctively recoil at the sight of my trusty old winter footwear. The Converse are okay, obviously (it’s never NOT the season for Converse, is it?), but those big ole boots and heavy leather shoes? NO, thank you.
All of a sudden I want to get my toes out.
I mean – what’s more happy-making then just being able to shove your feet in a pair of flip-flips and heading straight out the door? Shorts, jeans or dresses, flip flops will ALWAYS work.
And I’ve just spotted the new season brights on FlipFlopShop… and I want them. All of them.
So here’s my top 5 picks to decorate your feet now the sun’s poked its head out at last…
1 – Ipanema Petal £14.95
The ‘Petal’ from Ipanema is a beautifully feminine summer beach flip flop featuring a stunning flower design. LOOK! It has DAISIES!
With the anatomic sole that’s designed for comfort and support, the embossed Ipanema beach tile detailing to prevent you from slipping, and the super soft and flexible toe strap, they’re a perfect summer sandal.
2 – Reef Gypsy Love £29.95 £24.95 (20% saving)

Reef Gypsy Love flip flops add a touch of style to the standard flip flop, featuring a beautiful woven material on the strap.
These anatomic sandals are designed for comfort and protection; they mould themselves to the underside of your foot to ease pressure points, increase comfort and provide full stability and support. In short they’re Laid Back. Casual. Reliable. The perfect, every day flip flop.
3. Havaianas Slim Logo – £23.95
Seriously – how could you not have Happy Feet in a pair of these babies from Havaiana? Add some colour to your wardrobe and grab yourself a pair of these gorgeous Flip Flops. Available in a variety of colours, they’re the perfect companion for any holiday outing.
These flip flops are designed with a slim fit in mind, with very little sole visible at the toe or heel end of the flip flop when worn.
One of the coolest, most iconic flip flop styles in the world!
4. Birkenstocks Madrid – £47.95
Sometimes, the classics are the best. Do your feet a favour, and grab yourself a pair of the perennial favourite Madrids from Birkenstock – summer shoes that you can slide right into. No toe post and no back strap. Just a simple single strap to hold your foot in place.
If you often hear yourself saying “??they don’t make them like they used to”, then these are the shoes for you! I couldn’t be without mine – you just can’t go wrong with the Madrid.
5. Ipanema Paraiso Birds – £19.95
For their Paraiso Birds, Ipanema have added a gorgeous exotic print to this well designed flip flop to create the perfect vibe this summer. Just look at it – who doesn’t want toucans and parakeets flying around their toes? Perfect for those days that feel like a holiday – and the thin straps create a minimal look with less tan lines!