Trust this parent of three teenagers and a 20yr old that any new parent should definitely get on this as soon as possible. Document every stage and milestone. It all passes so fast – random photos and video clips form your phone, scribbled drawings, notes of things they’ve said that made you laugh… when you’re facing the reality of them leaving home, you’ll love earlier you for taking the time to make reminders of the small insignificant moments. However, what can be difficult to decide on is actually how you can document their journey to suit your time, creativity and how you want to remember the milestones. Children’s retailer, Kiddies Kingdom outline the best and most effective ways to track your child’s first year and beyond.

Don’t get bogged down with this one – you really do not have to be a creative individual to create a scrapbook (trust me – you can see our How To guide on making a holiday scrapbook here; no skills required). Scrapbooks are similar to photo albums, but with the option to add more than just photos on pages. You can add stickers, glitter and even actual keepsakes such as their hospital band or a lock of hair from their first haircut. Having a scrapbook also allows you to slowly build it over time, resulting in you not having to struggle to remember which milestone came first.
Memory box
The easiest of all – I think every parent has one of those, whether they mean to or not. Memory boxes are a great way to keep all the precious mementos in one place. Most memory boxes can range in different sizes and within it you will fill the box full of everything you want to keep (we have simply archive-quality cardboard boxes in the loft in which we throw anything of sentimental value). Depending how sentimental you are on particular souvenirs you can find a broad range of things that will hold valuable meaning. It’s important storage boxes are stored safely as you don’t want it to be mistaken as a toy box by your children. Silver Cross’s furniture is a great way to keep things stored safely and securely whilst looking neat, tidy and presentable in the nursery.

Social media
With social media being the forefront of most people’s day to day lives and with it being so easily accessible, documenting your baby’s achievements and experiences via social media is a key way to not only have all the photos on one platform but also allows friends and family to see it instantly too, meaning you don’t have to spend your time sending photos to each person. It’s becoming quite a popular way for parents to create accounts dedicated to their children, but although this way is quick and easy, it is crucial that you are aware of the security and privacy of the account and make sure you’re alert to any online threats.
Photo wall
Depending on your space, you can document your baby’s journey through a photo wall. All you need to do is get your photos printed and present them on your wall. Other options can be getting them printed on a canvas or putting them in frames for a different kind of look in the chosen room.

Memory quilt
This one requires more time and work; but what teen doesn’t want to go off to Uni equipped with a quilt made by their mum from their own baby clothes? Or even lay their own baby on their memory quilt? Use their old clothes, the first outfit they ever wore, their favourite blanket, their first bib… Amazing touch memories to keep forever.