John Lewis 12 Days of Christmas Mug Set #ChristmasGiftGuide

Now I’m sure by now if you are a regular Littlestuff reader you know we are rather partial to a fab mug or two now and again! Well okay maybe we are just a tad obsessed with lovely mugs, but then hey who dosn’t love a pretty Tea/coffee/hot choccy recepticle hmm?

And love love love this fab set from John Lewis we do, featuring the 12 days of Christmas no less, now you can’t get more perfect than that now can you! All togther now…FIVE golden rings!


12 days of christmas mugs

This porcelain mug set tells the story of the 12 days of Christmas, beautifully decorated with each grand gift that’s presented on each of the countdown. The tableware has colourful motifs with gilded detailing, and arrives in a drum shaped box to store while you await the Christmas period.


Get your fab 12 Dayss of Christmas Mug set from John Lewis for a very reasonable £48 (just £4 per mug)

Author: Courtenay

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