Thank you for all the concerned messages, mails and tweets regarding the loss of Mustafa, and some of the genius suggestions of places we had yet to look. Thankfully, just when we had finally given up all hope and were starting to compose begging mails to Maileg themselves for the supply of just-one-more even though they no longer make Mustafas, a gleeful shout erupted from Jolly’s bedroom yesterday afternoon.
“I’ve GOT HIM! I’ve found MUSTAFA! PI-I-I-I-I-I-INK!!! Look who’s home!!!!!”
Pink gasped, gazed, beamed, clasped him to her, quite literally jumped up and down squeaking”‘yippee! yippee!” and then rushed off to reunite him with Daddy mouse and Mimi mouse.
He had been languishing all this time behind Jollys chest of drawers.
Of course.
Anyhoo, the mouse is found, and is back where he belongs…
21 February 2010
wahey!! LO must be over the moon – normal service can resume!