Make a #MiteyCreation & win a cuddly version, plus £100 goody bag!

Okay, this one’s a bit ick, but a bit cool. Basically every child’s dream project, right?

Did you know that it’s estimated around 10 million dust mites live in your bed? And that up to a third of the weight of a two year-old pillow is made up of dust mites and dead skin cells?

I know. Ick.

It’s because of this that Slumberdown have introduced a new ‘Fresh & Healthy’ range of pillows, duvets and protectors which protect against asthma and allergy triggering dustmites. At least 12 million of us Brits (definitely my husband included) suffer from allergies caused by dust mites, and nearly half of us mums link allergy symptoms to hay fever, when in fact dust mite feaces is the main trigger (yes, I’m TOTALLY dealing with the teen bedding today. The two oldest have had hayfever for the first time this year… and this has got me wondering whether it’s actually hayfever at all).

To celebrate the launch (and basically to show us all that we know practically nothing about the millions of creatures we’re sharing our beds with), Slumberdown have launched a #MiteyCreation competition; they want to see your child’s weird and wonderful dust mite creation!


Things are never pretty when the craft stuff comes out…

It can be anything from a drawing to a papier-mâché masterpiece. Have a look at their #MiteyCreation page for some ingenious craft ideas to get you started.
We will be picking three of their favourite works of art to be turned into a replica cuddy toy, and the winners will also receive a Fresh and Healthy goody bag worth over £100!


yep, this is what they actually look like. Just… gross.

And yes, we totally took on the challenge. We didn’t allow 9yr old Bear to look up dust mites – she created one out of her head. So here’s what Reginald the Police Mite actually looked like in her brain…


World, meet Reginald. I know, he’s gorgeous, right? He’s a Police Mite (you can tell by his antenna), and he’s clearly very happy in his work. It took Bear and Mr LittleStuff a full morning’s work to create their masterpiece (I’m so happy they finally found a use for that stack of pizza bases we’ve been storing for months!). Want to see his side view?
Of course you do.
miteycreation-twoMagnificent, isn’t he?
uh huh.
Here’s a tip – finding such masterpieces house room is a challenge I’m sure every parent is familiar with. You might want to suggest your child makes their own #MiteyCreation on a smaller scale. *sigh*

So get your child creating this summer – and you could win not only their creation made into a unique and gorgeous cuddly toy, but you’ll also win yourself a £100 Fresh & Healthy Goody Bag! Simply enter your photograph on the Fresh & Healthy page here – and if you’re sharing it on social media, don’t forget to add the #MiteyCreation tag too!

Competition closes 21st August 2016 – see Slumberdown for full T&C’s.

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. Superb how fabulous

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  2. That thing is gorgeous! The perfect present for every children!

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  3. we collect cereal boxes, loo rolls and glitter forrainy day projects.
    we have justmade an awesome dinosaur dinorama xx

    No browse button for photo on here?

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