We’re already huge fans of Room To Grow, and I was meandering around their site the other day looking for a captain’s bed. Look at the one I found; the rather perfect Henri Captain’s Bed. Isn’t it GORGEOUS? Small yet perfectly formed, not so high as to be inaccessible for sick-child-parenting or bed-linen-changing, not so small as to be impractical and useless in the storage stakes. AND it looks great too. I LOVE those built in steps…
Anyhow, there I was, cooing over the bed, when I noticed the ‘Free Wall Stickers‘ link.
Never one to turn down a freebie, I headed over to see what was what.
And properly let out an Oooh!
It’s genius, that’s all it is.
As I’m sure you know, decals are a genius way to decorate a child’s room; they’re not permanent, and if you stick to a clean plain wall colour then you can switch out the stickers every time you or your child fancy a new theme. No redecorating required!
And these free decals from Room to Grow are just properly awesome. You’re not actually getting the sticker, you’re getting the free artwork for your child’s wall. You simply have to download the full size image file, and get it printed by any printer of your choice, to the exact size you wish.
Room To Grow have teamed up with illustrators the Hungry Sandwich Club and Abbas Mushtaq to produce these exclusive sets to help bring their imaginations to life.
There are four gorgeous sets to choose from; in the Knights Tales, for example, you get a mountaintop castle, a dragon, the inevitable knights on horseback, swords & shields…
Of course the best thing about arranging your own printing is that you can have as many of each individual sticker as you choose, at the size you wish. So if you want six of the knights, but don’t have space for the mouse on the barrel? Well that’s fine.
I love that the entire range are very unisex – Woodland Friends, Under the Sea and Transport are all gorgeously appealing for both boys and girls. This fact alone we love beyond measure.

Loving the road and train track wall decals too – these would keep my boys busy for hours! And just like ‘real’ train tracks, you can create your own track by having as much of any individual piece if track printed that you choose. Need six corners and 12 straights? No problem!
Head over to Room To Grow – these charming illustrations are ready for you to download, for free. They’re complete with easy instructions on how to get them printed to fit any size wall; you can of course print smaller ones at home on your own printer, or use a professional supplier for larger installations. That’s the point – it’s entirely up to you.
13 September 2015
Wow! Great freebie! Well spotted.