Carless Whispers – In Which Keris Swears (probably).

Carless Whispers – In Which Keris Swears (probably).

So last week I was all smug. Smug about how cool Harry’s been with the whole carless thing, rather than actually being smug about being carless, but still. This week… not so much. We’ve been lucky for a few weeks in that it hasn’t rained a lot – it’s been absolutely freezing, which has its own challenges (Joe refuses to wear gloves, but then cries because his hands are cold) – but cold trumps wet...

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Carless Whispers – In Which Keris Finally Feels A Little Bit Smug.

Carless Whispers – In Which Keris Finally Feels A Little Bit Smug.

Years ago, I looked after four children – aged 2, 5, 8 and 11 – while their parents were on holiday (I was young, I needed the money…). I had use of the mother’s car, but it had some sort of weird system where, when you stopped the car it had to kind of settle down and because it hadn’t settled before I’d turned the engine off… it broke. (I asked on Twitter what this wonder of technology would have been...

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Carless Whispers – In Which A Sad Keris Actually, Really, Truly NEEDS Her Car.

Carless Whispers – In Which A Sad Keris Actually, Really, Truly NEEDS Her Car.

So just before Christmas, we learned the limitation of the carless life. My dad had gone into hospital at the beginning of December and on the 19th, a Sunday, my sister phoned to say the hospital had suggested we go in. When my mum died in 1999, the hospital phoned and we got straight in the car and headed right there. This time, we had public transport, a Sunday and snow to contend with. (Being close to the end of the month, we...

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Carless Whispers – In Which It Bloody Snows On Keris.

Carless Whispers – In Which It Bloody Snows On Keris.

Snow. Bloody snow. Harry is about as excited as I’ve ever seen him. To him snow means Christmas. December also means Christmas. Snow on the 1st of December has seen him almost incandescent with excitement. Me? Not so much. Last year it snowed too. The most I’ve known it snow for years. I couldn’t drive the car. The roads were treacherous and I haven’t been driving for long enough to feel confident heading out...

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Carless Whispers – In Which Keris Goes To The Seaside.

Carless Whispers – In Which Keris Goes To The Seaside.

One of our favourite days out is to Lytham St Annes. We go every couple of months either to walk around the lake at Fairhaven or go to the pier and the fair at St Annes and it was one of the things I knew we’d miss once the cars went for a burton. It hadn’t occurred to me to try and get there on the train, but thankfully it occurred to David and so one Saturday we announced that we were off to the seaside. “Are we...

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