Fiat 500 review – a family car?

Fiat 500 review – a family car?

The awfully-lovely people at Fiat saw Keris’ Carless whispers column, and spotted that she had always yearned for a Fiat 500… and really rather sweetly asked her if she’s like to try one out for a couple of weeks. Well, she wasn’t about to say no, was she? One of the first songs I can remember learning at school was called “Hey, Topolini!” I don’t remember much of how it went (“Hey,...

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Funniest Car Review you’ll ever read – The Skoda Yeti Review

Funniest Car Review you’ll ever read – The Skoda Yeti Review

Remember our Carless Whispers column from Keris? Well, she’s not been officially ‘carless’ for a few weeks, thanks to those magically marvellous people at Skoda who decided to loan her a car. They didn’t ask forĀ  a review of the Skoda Yeti they sent her – they asked for no recognition at all in fact. Did I mention how much we love the Skoda PR team? But Keris felt obliged to let them know what she thinks....

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