Prima Pappa Review

This highchair has won a whole pile of awards, so I had expectations of it being good – you don’t really expect much less from a company like Mamas and Papas. But my own last highchair left me with a feeling of mistrust for these big plastic highchairs, so I was ready to give this one a proper run for its money. I was determined that just because Mamas & Papas want to advertise with us I would NOT recommend another tricky, duff highchair. My last one (from another well-respected manufacturer) had been heavy, cumbersome, difficult to clean, the tray sat impossibly far away from the seat, the ‘fold flat’ option was a joke… Oh yes, this Prima Pappa was not going to blind me with its pretty teddy bear design. Pink and I were going to use it daily for four weeks before we decided on the review…

The HUGE box arrived (much to small boys excitement – blow the new highchair for Pink, there’s a BIG box in the offing :D ).

As fast as I could get the wrapping off the parts, they were clicked together. The instructions were clear, the assembly was minimal and simple – and even with two excited boys hanging off my ankles I managed it painlessly, single-handed.

So here we are four weeks later. How has it done?

Well… It’s good! really!

I put the highchair away every night, so the folding and storage was important to me. It folds fairly flat, and the mechanism is simple. Dropping the chair to its lowest position first was a pain in the beginning, but now I don’t even notice it. And unfolding it is a silly moment of gliding fun in my day. :)

The wheels on the bottom make it easy to move – I’d forgotten how often I move the highchair with a resident in it. Pink sits in the kitchen munching while I prepare dinner, then we wheel her to be with us all at the table while we eat. The castors are great for maneouvreability, but the brakes are solid enough to make the castors safe on laminate flooring.

The cushion is really well designed; lots of padding for she-who-won’t-sit-up, and she doesn’t ever do the sideways-slump- wriggle in it.


The tray is still too high to be practical for her to use (as you can see – that’s her sitting up straight), but as she’s not spoon feeding herself for a while yet thats inconsequential. She happily sits back and eats a rusk or toast finger, and I feed her far more easily with no tray in the way.

The height of the chair is the only drawback for me. I’m 6′ tall, and would love the chair to go higher – feeding when I am standing causes me to stoop painfully. But this has made me sit down in a chair beside her and feed her at eye level, which is actually far nicer for us both, so I’m not going to say this is a problem. Just my fault being a busy mumma, trying to feed her on the hoof.

And the last important question – the cleaning. Well, its not better than the rest, but no worse either. None of the big padded plastic highchairs are easy to keep clean, there are too many nooks and crannies and parts of the harness where food can be smeared, stashed or dribble into. But the seat is all in one piece, so there are no awkward seams that hide food. The straps are wide and smooth, and a good firm wipe seems to clean them fine after every meal. Of course, Pink’s not feeding herself yet, so I think this will get worse – but I really don’t think there are any better options available in this type of highchair.

So, in all we’re liking the Prima Pappa Evo very much – WAY more than the last nightmare chair – and are happy to have it living in the playroom for the next couple of years :)

Note the early theft of mummys Magnum. Gotta give the girl points for intiative…

Look at the latest range’s of these fab High chairs on Mama & Papas website right here, we are sure you will be impressed!


Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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