It’s no secret that I have a beeyootiful and huge 10kg LG washing machine. And three years on it’s still in daily use. But what do you do with all that washing when the weather is the way it has been this year?
I hate hate hate having damp washing sitting around the house – we won’t put the heating on for another month or so yet, so washing takes an age to dry at this time of year when it’s damp outside. And I’m sorry, but life’s too short for the on-the-line-off-the-line dance on a damp day when you’re trying to dodge the showers. Yeesh.
So on damp days a tumble dryer it is. But my problem was that I have had my tumble dryer for a lo-o-o-ong time. It’s old. It’s slow. It still has a long wrinkly pipe I have to poke out of a window…. and it doesn’t hold anywhere near as much as my shiny lovely washing machine does.

So when Beko wondered if I might like to try out their 9kg capacity Tumble Dryer? I Literally jumped and squeaked as I said yes.
Let’s face it – kitchen appliances are NOT very interesting. But you become obsessed with them when they’re not working, don’t you? A new replacement for an old broken down one becomes far more exciting an event than it has any right to be.
So. Anyway. Back to the tumble dryer. Dilys. Yes, we (I) love her so much that we (I) named her.
Oh the joy she gives me!
Top bestie best bits?
First up – everything fits. Whatever I’ve washed, I can now dry. This is a Big Thing.
Secondly – it’s brilliantly intuitive to use. The panel has lots of options, but to be honest, I rarely use more than the ‘daily quick (1200w, 90 minutes, one load of mixed washing done), and the 1kg Express (“aaaaarghhhhhh I forgot to dry the school jumpers….”). The jeans option is ace – perfectly dry wihtout the shrinky crispiness.
Thirdly – it’s a condenser. No more tube out the window! I can put it on when I go to bed, and my house remains safe and secure. And warm. I use the collected water on the plants. It’s all good (Is it just me who LOVES collecting the water in the tray bottle thing? Marvelling at how much there is, every single time? Okay, just me then…)

Fourth – there’s a light inside when you open the door. Weird how I would have scoffed at this as nonsense-frosting in a brochure, and yet you have no idea just how brilliantly useful this is.
Fifth – it STOPS! If you put it on and it says 90 minutes, you might find it’s actually finished in 70 – because it checks your washing, pokes a little tumble dryer magickery in to see how it’s doing, and adjust the time accordingly. So no unnecessary energy useage whirling dry clothes around and around.
Sixth – When it is finished, and you don’t come obediently to open the door and remove things immediately, it turns them over a couple of times every now and then, just to stop them creasing while they wait for your lazy busy self. Meaning less ironing. See? I LOVE Dylis.
So – if you’re looking for a really (really really) good tumble dryer for a large family, with a whopping 9kg capacaity and an energy rating of B – check out Beko’s DCU9330. Go find your own Dylis .
Unfortunately this model is no longer available, but here’s a quick link to all the latest 9kg & 10kg models at Currys .