It probably hasn’t escape regular readers attention that I have a bit of a ‘thing’ for an Anglepoise lamp. So much so that one of my genuinely most treasured possessions is ‘Arthur’; my original 1920s Herbert Terry Anglepoise lamp which my lovely husband bought me for my 40th birthday. I love him, and always thank him politely when he turns on (Arthur that is, not the husband. Don’t be smutty.).

We’ve been looking at the new Spring-Summer range from Fox & Ivy – Tesco’s own luxury brand of homewares and soft furnishings – and Tesco asked me to pick out a few of my favourite things (and yes, I totally just sang that to you).
So off I went to our nearest Tesco Extra, meandering through the homewares section looking at the new Fox & Ivy range, as you do… and imagine my happy squeaks when this baby jumped up and sang at me.
Also? It’s £16.
Just SIXTEEN of your pounds.
Frankly it’s a crime not to.

I didn’t get to keep it though – the daughter laid claim to it pretty damned swiftly (she’s a girl after her mother’s heart) and you can see it in pride of place in our Kids to Teens Bedroom Makeover here
Also – rest assured that the angles do what they’re supposed to. With so many cheap versions of the Anglepoise original you can’t actually reposition the lamp as the head will simply come slowly nodding down, or not bend the way you need it (and what’s even the point of an adjustable desk lamp if you can’t ‘poise’ it in any angle you choose?). But this one is solid and steady. I approve of her practicality as well as her swish good looks.
Oh, and if that beautiful yellow ochre isn’t your colour? That’s okay. It comes in a more industrial grey too (possibly more attractive to some of the boy variety of teens out there than the sunshiney cheerfulness of the yellow).

To find out where you can purchase any of the spring/summer 2019 products featured in these pages, check Tesco here
Products are not available online, but in selected Superstores and Extras, and are subject to availability.