As any experienced Mumma will tell you, there can never be too many muslins in the house.
Honestly, I learned this the hard way, but those squares of muslin (and also old terry nappies too, in a pinch and for ‘wetter’ situations) will save more emergency situations than you ave any comprehension of as a new mother.
And buying good ones are essential – because you’ll become attached, and you’ll still be wanting to have them to hand daily even as your sweetest little firstborn is heading into the school gates (with marmite on his cheek…). You need these babies to last.
So I jumped when I saw thst dausy Chain Baby has reduced these amazing 100% organic cotton muslins from the fabulous Piccalilly down to just £7.
Probably because they have snowflakes on – but they’re so pretty I’d gladly whip these out in June sunshine, never mind the seasonal style!
They mop up after-burp, swipe away dribble, catch an errant wee mid-nappy-change, provide shade on an unexpectedly sunny day, subtle cover when breastfeeding if you want it, they’ll warm chilly limbs in the sling or pushchair… you’ll find a new use every day.
Obviously Daisy Chain baby has a range of muslins for you to choose from, but these Snowflake Piccalilly Muslin Swaddles are such a bargain I had to shout about them. Be quick though – I’ve just spotted that there’s only two left!