Spotted! Stripy Blankets from the Stripy Co.

What is it about stripes? And blankets? Combine the two with a gorgeously fresh made-of-trees-and-wind-and-sunshine website, and it’s hard to resist these beautiful beautiful bed blankets from the Stripy Company. The thing with blankets is that they last and last… this is one children’s item that will easily outgrow the nursery and still be loved and more importantly used in 20 years time.

Go on, we dare you to resist.

At approx 150cm x 210cm it is the most versatile blanket – we used it in the cot for our tiny baby girl, as a blanket on the sofa on poorly nights with her toddler self, as a den roof for an engineering 5yr old, and it’s now the preferred reading snuggle blanket on a dark winter’s afternoon for an almost 10yr old.
And it still looks like new.

The Big One is £65, only from The Stripy Company.

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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