I’ve wanted one of these bags since the 90’s And no, I’ve still not got around to getting one.
There’s something so pleasing in their cool, uncaring simplicity. Not for Fjällräven is the need to keep up with style trends and shiny features. They designed and made a backpack that works back in the 1970’s – and they’ve been making it brilliantly ever since. In true Swedish style, the Kånken is designed with a simplicity and practicality which has never changed.

Completely unisex, totally practical, and ageless in appeal; I know both teenagers and retirees who carry one of these around, and all ages love it equally.
Now – that classic styling doesn’t come cheap. But remember, this is not a £20 backpack to see you through two school terms before it shreds into a hole in the corners, the zip breaks and the seams split.
This backpack is made to last. It’ll see you through your GCSE’s with your 68kg of text books and folders. It’ll take you through A levels, Uni and probably be your day sack of choice when you’re city-tripping in your 30’s.
They’re available in a whole rainbow of colours, and the full size Kånken is usually over £80. But I’ve just spotted that right now the Fjallraven Kanker rucksack is available on Amazon for just over £65.
Still an expensive backpack. But how much are you going to spend on replacing cheaper alternatives over the next four years?