I’ll admit it – every year I casually mention, in passing, that it would be lovely to have just one Best Christmas Chocolate Box. I don’t have a massively sweet tooth, I don’t partake of much in the way of sweets and sugar over Christmas (roast potatoes and cheese may be another matter)… but one of my favourite parts of Christmas is that quiet spell between Christmas and New Year when the guests have gone home, the house is quiet, and you curl up in an armchair, tree twinkling, fire gently shifting, and you have nowhere to go and nothing to but watch old movies or read your book. Right then and there, that one box of chocolates feels like the most decadent, most perfectly luxurious treat of the winter.
And this year? For my Best Christmas Chocolate Box I’ve got my eye on Hotel Chocolat’s Wreath.
Choose from 40, and allegedly you can share the chocolate goodwill with everyone. Pffft. If they want some, let them put it on their own Christmas lists.

Which first? Think winter puddings reimagined in chocolate; Carrot Cake, ‘Christmas Mess’ and their award-winning Treacle Tart – alongside the likes of Champagne, Burnt Caramel Praline & Winter Sidecar. And we probably need to talk about that salted caramel snowflake.
I actually need this in my life right now … is it Christmas yet?
The Wreath Box is available from Hotel Chocolat for £40 and we think worth every penny.
And while you’re there, don’t forget to take a peek at the Rather Large Cracker – that’s another of our family traditions, sharing this on the night the tree goes up when we settle down together to watch Arthur Christmas. Which is possibly one of my top 3 favourite Christmas movies – but that’s a whole other post…