Walkers Mighty Lights. Yumyumyum.
We were sent some of the new Mighty Lights to review a while ago. I admit it – I’m late with my review.
Simply because they got snaffled nigh on instantly (though I DID manage to take a picture this time) – I need things loitering on my desk to remind me to write about them. Having them disappear in a ninja-like conspiracy of crunchy stealth does NOT help my efficiency drive (*eyes family sternly*)
Anyhoo – I interrogated asked the smaller people, and here’s what they thought:
Name? No.1
Age? 14Flavour? Ready Salted
Thoughts? “Really good. I like them. Enough saltiness, really good crunch – they’ve be amazing in a sandwich. You’d never know they were low fat, they shouldn’t splash that on the pack – just do it, and let it be a surprise benefit. They taste good enough to be their own thing, not just a ‘low fat option’ on crisps.”

Note the sneaky sister-tactic, taking blatant advantage of his diverted attention to steal a crisp or two…
Name? BoyAge? 12
Flavour? Ready Salted
Thoughts? “Yeah, really nice. I thought they’d be a bit… y’know… rubbish. No offence or anything, but stuff that’s labelled as good for you and low in fat is usually just a code for ‘a bit tasteless’. But these are great. Are there any moire? Can you get some next time you get a shopping order? How many come in those big bags? Six? Right, so that’s three packs each then, isn’t it? Can we have the others now? Just for research, y’know? Please?”
Name? Jolly
Age? 10
Flavour? Cheese & Onion
Thoughts? “Oh. They’re nice. Good crunch – look, if I get a whole one in my mouth and bite quickly, it makes a mega noise.. look… (loud CRUNCHING sounds). What flavours do they come in? I think i should try the chicken too, just to make sure I like that as well. Oh, they’re really REALLY good. They’re a bit like… something… but not quite… mmmmmm….”
Name? Pink
Age? 6
Flavour? Roast Chicken
Thoughts? *crunching* “Mmmm, they’re yummy. I like roast chicken flavour best y’know” *more crunching* “they’re Mighty good!” *peels of laughter at own amazing pun* “What’s the ready salted one’s like, Boy? Just one? I’ll trade you, here…” *thrusts very small piece of crisps at brothers left nostril* Oh, I’ve finished. Is there any more?”
And what did the grown ups think? We liked too! Good level of flavour, nice texture – reminded us of Discos, but without the eye-watering flavour-strength. The lower fat levels makes a good buying bonus too – I’m not convinced any of us buy crisps because they’re low fat (if we were that worried, we wouldn’t be buying crisps, would we?) BUT having that as a side effect on some really tasty snacks can only be a good thing all round. Available at most main supermarkets near you – go try some.