Win £80 Collins ‘Fascinating Facts’ Set in Day 7 of #BackToSchoolBooks

If you’ve not made friends with it yet, then you need to go and introduce yourself to the Collins4Parents website. It’s not only jam-packed with excellent books for every stage of your child’s learning, but they also offer a boat load of useful resources and practical guides to help both you and your resident student.

Right now there’s also an online 30% discount for parents on all Back to School books, so now’s a good time to stock up. Just use the code BTS2016!

And so we made it – the last competition to open in #BackToSchoolBooks. And this one’s back down to the early learners, with the chance to win the complete set of twelve ‘Fascinating Facts’ books, worth over £80.

I know I’m not alone in having a child that doesn’t enjoy fiction reading – in my personal experience it does seem to be more of a boy thing, but I’m quite sure there are plenty of girls too that simply don’t connect with the age-appropriate storybooks. What I did find with my own bright but non-reading 5yr old was that he’s glaze over and act dull at all the fabulous books I selected off the library shelf. But he totally lit up at the books on farm vehicles, different types of planes, and how people lived in the middle ages.

I don’t get it myself, but apparently there’s more joy in learning the different Row-Crop tractors than there is in investigating what land has arrived at the top of the Faraway Tree this week. *throws hands in air*
But I do admit that even though I was a total storybook addict myself as a child, I could still never resist a non-fiction book filled with amazing animal pictures accompanied by cool facts.  So maybe I do get it after all.
Anyway, for al those non-fiction fans out there – this one’s for you. This range of colourful and engaging books offer hours of fun learning and are a great support for schoolwork, projects and home learning. They neatly balance the important information with loads of fun, entertaining facts and detailed diagrams and images… it’s just a perfect reference library for young readers.


So Day 7’s prize is the complete set of TWELVE Collin’s Fascinating facts books – worth over £80. To enter, just use the widget entry below – closing date is the 18th of September, and first name out of the cyber hat wins. Once you’ve entered, make sure you go back and enter the earlier days if you missed them – and stick around, we’re here all week ;)

Good Luck!

Collins Back To School 7

Author: Laura

A 70's child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way. I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing. I began LittleStuff back in (gulp) 2004. I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

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  1. What a Informative prize. This would be ideal for my daughter. XXX

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    • There isn’t a widget for me to enter…

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  2. the pyramids egypt

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  3. This would be amazing for my daughter

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  4. The Egyptian Pyramids

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  5. the pyramids egypt

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  6. The sphynx and pyramids of Egypt

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  7. The Egyptian Pyramids

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  8. The pyramids in Egypt

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  9. The pyramids and the Sphinx, Egypt :)

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  10. the pyramids egypt

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  11. The Pyramids

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  12. The Pyramids in Egypt. Thanks for the lovely giveaway, these books look really good.

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  13. The Egyptian Pyramids

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  14. Egyptian pyramids

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  15. The Pyramids

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  16. the Pyramids

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  17. The Egyptian Pyramids

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  18. The Egyptian Pyramids

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  19. The Egyptian pyramids

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  20. The Egyptian Pyramids

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  21. The Egyptian Pyramids

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  22. The Egyptian Pyramids

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  23. The Pyramids in Egypt

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  24. The Egyptian Pyramids

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  25. Egyptian Pyramids

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  26. Great Pyramid of Giza

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  27. The sphynx and pyramids of Egypt

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  28. The Pyramids in Egypt

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  29. The Egyptian Pyramids

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  30. the Egyptian pyramids

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  31. The Egyptian Pyramids

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  32. The Egyptian pyramids are on the front cover, thanks for the giveaway.

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  33. The Egyptian Pyramids

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  34. That would be the great pyramids in Egypt :)

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  35. The Egyptian Pyramids

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  36. The Egyptian Pyramids

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  37. The Egyptian pyramids

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  38. The Pyramids, Egypt

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  39. the pyrmids egypt

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  40. The sphynx and pyramids of Egypt

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  41. the egyptian pyramids

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  42. The Pyramids

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  43. The Pyramids and Sphinx in Egypt

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  44. The Pyramids of Egypt

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  45. I love reading these type of books with my kids instead of stories, especially when they remember facts months later, it makes me proud I learnt them that knowledge

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  46. The Pyramids

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