It’s day five of #SummerStuff 2019, and today’s prize is pretty flipping amazing – it’s only a £250 Debenhams gift card, that’s all!

Okay, I think perhaps Debenhams need no introduction. Really, where would we be without its vast depths when we’re looking for *that* dress, or *those shoes* – or any time you might need a posh hat.
Of course the department stores themselves are where we all head to sample the perfumes and the beauty counters, too. So. Many. Teenage. Hours. Spent drifting through Debenhams with my mates on a rainy Saturday, always going home clutching a small bag, totally thrilled with whatever small purchase I’d made.
And of course it’s where you head for a holiday shop. For a new suitcase. For quite brilliant gift ideas. Plus, of course, let’s not forget the bra department (no no no, my 13yr old self simply didn’t know what ‘lingery’ was – it was ‘bras and knickers on the first floor’, right?).
So let’s just talk about that lovely gift card that Debenhams have decided to offer one of you lucky people. £250!
To be in with a chance to win, just answer the first three questions in the widget box below. There are more chances to win by completing the other entry options if you so wish – they’re entirely up to you! The closing date for this competition is 26th August 2019 and only entries received on or before that date can be included. The winner will be the first randomly chosen entry. Good luck!
8 August 2019
25 August 2019
Dress me glam from head to toe. Remind me what it was like to be carefree.Dress, shoes bag and all.A birthday night out sounds about right !
8 August 2019
I love tea and cake too!
9 August 2019
I also love tea and cake.
11 August 2019
I love diy
13 August 2019
Chips!!!! Yes
24 August 2019
26 August 2019
Since I got extremely bad service at the Oxford Street store several years ago I’m very reluctant to spend any of my money at any branch. Maybe winning this might tempt me back.
26 August 2019
I’ve got my eye on the Indesit IBD5515S 60/40 157x55cm 206L Freestanding Fridge Freezer
26 August 2019
Make up to make me feel glamorous