I’ve written before about the icky gross stuff nestling inside our mattresses, thanks to the fact that we sleep on them for a third of our lifecycle, and never wash them. But have you ever thought about the pillow? No, me either. Until nanu got in touch and asked if I thought you’d like to know that most of us sleep on a pillow that is over five years old and 40 per cent of Brits have never washed their pillows.

To help the UK save itself, nanu is running a Pillow Amnesty. Simply go LIKE their facebook page and share your pictures and stories in the COMMENTS to have a chance at winning your perfect nanu pillow.
All entrants will receive a “£5 off” voucher and a further 50 lucky entrants will win an entirely new pillow for free.
Everyone sleeps differently and using the wrong pillow can cause uncomfortable and broken sleep, plus neck pain and headaches
So who are nanu, and why their drive to save you from your pillow with the ‘Three Year Switch’? Well, I had to find out – so I tried one of their pillows for myself.
Nanu is the first personalised pillow, tailored specifically to your needs. Ever declared your height, weight and sleeping habits when buying a pillow before?

No, me either.
But nanu ask for it.
(also – who on earth sleeps flat on their back?? Weird.)

Once you’re ordered, the free delivery takes about five days, and hey presto, one new pillow arrives, neatly packaged in orange tissue. A pillow made specifically to your own needs and requirements – which makes total sense. My elfin 12yr old needs a very different level of support to that of my heavy 6′ tall self; why spend ages shopping around trying to find the right pillow for you when you can just have one designed to you?
A pillow must be able to support the neck and back properly to avoid stiffness
Now I’ll admit it – I was dubious. I’m not a huge fan of synthetic pillows ordinarily, I like some bulk under my head. The nanu is not ‘bulky’ like a feather pillow – it’s light and airy. And yet, weirdly, when you lay your head on it… it doesn’t disappear. There’s a definite supportive pillow, right where you want it to be.

Nanu is launching a pillow amnesty which encourages people to exchange their old pillows for a new, personalised option. The amnesty is running via the nanu Facebook page, where you can post a photo of your old pillow on the competition post. 50 people will be selected at random to win a free pillow in exchange for their old pillow, and everyone who enters will receive a 10% off discount code
So here’s the thing. I don’t sleep properly on my pillow (if there is such a thing as ‘properly’). A few years ago, I popped out the front of my collar bone. No cure, it just needed time, but the bony knob sticking out the front of my neck made my entire shoulder ache when I lay down to sleep on my side (because no one in their right mind sleeps flat on their back or their front). But I discovered that if I moved my pillow to be vertical I could support my shoulder and collar bone as well as rest my head. Heaven. My collar bone’s long fixed, but I still prefer to hug my pillow and sleep on it ‘longways’. Drives Mr LittleStuff mad, to be fair.

Now, the fact that half my body rests on my pillow means I flatten them very fast, and often need to bunch it up under me to fall asleep. I accept this as the way things are. Yet so far the nanu has been super-comfy, supporting me fully with no need for readjusting or bunching. TOP marks from a pillow that costs half the price of my last one.
The benefits of a good night’s sleep include stress reduction, memory improvement, lowered blood pressure, improved mood, making you smarter and keeping the heart healthy.
I’ll admit – I’ve bought cheap pillows in the past – and very quickly regretted it as I’ve piled three together to gain some kind of lumpy support. I’ve also bought a really fantastic (very expensive) pillow, which was heavenly to sleep on. But that comes with its own issues – when you’ve invested a not-inconsiderable sum, you want it to last. When you love it, you want it to last even longer. But of course that’s when you start heading into the icky realms of what’s-in-your-pillow-after-3-years-of-sleeping-on-it.
Nanu costs £35 and includes free delivery, free returns, a two-year guarantee and a 30-night free trial.
And as a side bonus, they are filled with recycled materials from plastic bottles: every nanu stops 20 plastic bottles going to landfill, meaning it is an environmentally friendly option too.
Head over and join in the pillow amnesty – then go over to the nanu site and get yourself a new pillow which is personalised for you.
15 May 2019
I buy cheap pillows so I can change them often…probably why I always get neck and shoulder ache!
15 May 2019
Would love to win! Look so cosy
15 May 2019
brill, for a comfy night’s sleep.
15 May 2019
I have an old pillow over 10yrs old,a new pillow would be great
15 May 2019
I need a firm but deep pillow as I sleep on my side
15 May 2019
fab prize
15 May 2019
fab prize xx
15 May 2019
Sounds like a perfect pillow!
16 May 2019
Pillow talk need a good nights sleep
16 May 2019
I have yet to find the perfect pillow if I win hopefully the search is over
16 May 2019
Id love this to match my newly decorated room! And my new sheets
17 May 2019
Need a new pillow as wife always end up with them.. Currently.. Me 1 v wife 4
19 May 2019
that looks so fluffy, lovely for sinking your head in!
24 May 2019
I need this I have tried all sorts of pillows but wake up and endure neck pain all day long
20 May 2019
My pillow is almost as old as me, and I don’t think I am sleeping alone?
22 May 2019
I buy cheap ones unfortunately but do change them regularly as hubby and I like different types of pillow – I love them as soft as can be but he doesn’t like them too soft.
Would love to win these as just about to replace our current pillows.
23 May 2019
i got a new pillow recently but they were cheap which is probably why i always wake now with neck pains then
23 May 2019
working shifts mean I have trouble sleeping, I need all the help I can get.
23 May 2019
This would help get a good nights sleep
23 May 2019
have osteoarthritis so comfort is a must these pillows look so cosy
24 May 2019
Got some good pillows, I like to change them often so I get a good nights sleep.
24 May 2019
have old feathered pillow need a new one
24 May 2019
Would love a new comfy cushion
24 May 2019
Would love to win these look so comfy!!
24 May 2019
Comfy prize
24 May 2019
Cool giveaway.
25 May 2019
look like it could cure a few sleep and neck issues.
25 May 2019
i love these soft looking pillows
full of wonderful delight
i could rest my head and relax in bed
and bid you all a goodnight
25 May 2019
A great prize. I would love to win
25 May 2019
Great prize would love to win
25 May 2019
I use a triangular piullow and a firm pillow fro support.Would be great to have this pillow!!
25 May 2019
Sounds perfect! I don’t sleep well so need a brilliant pillow for a great night’s sleep.
25 May 2019
Could do with a full night’s sleep
16 June 2019
Just love new pillows
12 September 2021
Want to sleep better